Monday, May 16, 2011

Quote, Paraphrase, -&' Citation #4

"Why is my friend still in an unhealthy relationship? Why don't they leave?" The reality is that there are many barriers to finding safety from an abusive relationship. Leaving can sometimes be dangerous and there are many factors that an abusive partner can use to keep the victim from leaving the relationship. Understanding these issues can better assist someone to help a victim out of an abusive relationship.

  • This quote is describing why is women still in abusive relatioships. To me I think the reason why women are still in abusive relationships is because they are scared to leave. They think that i they leave the man they will ind out where she is and attack her again. For an example, a woman runs away from her husband and she changes her name and everything but ater a while he finds her and abuse her ten times worse than before. So women should immediately get out of and abusive relationship.

"Controlling & Abusive Relationships." Stanford University. Stanord University, copyright © 2006. Web. 16 May 2011. .

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