Friday, May 6, 2011

Preliminary Links -&' Descriptions

  • The website looks very interesting. I say this because it has a lot of information about Abusive Relationships. It also states signs or being in an abusive relationship.

  • This website is saying that being in an abusive relationship can happen to anybody. Also that noticing the warning signs and symptoms is the first steps to ending it. No one should live in fear of the person that the truely love.
This website is very informative.

  • Like how abuse doesn't have to be physical.

  • They are progressive.

  • A specific relationship is not the secure of the abuse.

  • This website is stating that a lot of women dealing with abusive relationships may find themselves feeling all alone and isolated. Continuing abuse can tear down a woman's self worth until it seems impossible to leave or change. Also, there are no easy answers on why they stay in those types of relationships.

  • This website talks about the warning signals. Also learning how to develop a personal safety plan for yourself if you need to leave suddenly and where you can go safely for help. These tips include; how to prepare to set yourself up independently, stay away from your abuser, both temporarily and permanently. There are also safety tips for how to protect yourself better, prior to or during a physical attack of abuse. Also about how a friend can help an abused person.

  • This website is talking about how the sources are not trustworthy, but because most of the people never report their sufferings considering the act to be a private affair. This is one of the main reasons for allowing the situation to get worse day by day! Therefore it is so very important to take corrective action against abuse in the relationship, at the very beginning.

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