Monday, May 16, 2011

Reflection Paragraph on Proccess

During my research I felt like abuse shouldn't happen. It was diffulcult researching this topic because being abused is really hard and it makes me want to cry. I enjoyed finding out a lot that I didn't know about this topic. What I dislike was how I research the reason why women get abused and what they have to go through. If I had to do this project again I would pick another topic because it is sad what half the women in the world have to go through everyday of theie lives. The next topic I would research would be volleyball. Simply because i love it and it is my life dream to be a volleyball player and it is very fun and intresting to do.

Reflection Paragraph on Sources

My sources were very informative. It had everything that I needed to know about my topic. I was very lucky at finding these useful sources. The source I think that was the most useful and sourceful was The reason I say this because it has everything I need like "What is Relationship Abuse?" and "The Warning Signs of An Abusive Relationship." The that was dmost trustworthy was The one that displays obvious bias is

Work Cited

  • Steps To Recovery For Survivors of Abuse." Steps To Recovery For Survivors of Abuse. Woman's, 2001-2011. Web. 10 May 2011.

  • Emotionally Abusive Relationships - Reclaiming Your Power." Woman's Divorce. Woman', © 2001-2011. Web. 12 May 2011.

  • Controlling & Abusive Relationships." Stanford University. Stanord University, copyright © 2006. Web. 16 May 2011.

  • Bhatti, Shalu. "Abusive Relationship Statistics." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web., ©2000-2010, 2011. Web. 16 May 2011.

Wordle #2 Based on Topic Key Terms

Wordle: Abuse

Reflection Paragraph on Findings

Finding information on abusive relationships was very hard. I learned that 65 % are victims/survivors of abuse. I have also found out that relationship doesn't have to be abusive. Also. that the reason why men abuse women is because they think they can take control of women by hitting them.The most surprising to me was that 20% of pregnant women suffer at the hands of a violent partner. 50% of female murder victims die at the hands of a partner or ex-partner. A person that feels that abuse is power tend to choose partners who have low self esteem and feel the abuse is warranted. I only have one question that is still unknown to me and that is " What are the statistics of abuse in Horry County? " Now that i have researched my topic I really don't think it is right that women should be abused.

Finding Paragraph #3

I have figured out why majority of the women stay in abusive relationship. Simply because they love the guy so much and they don't want to leave them. 65% of the women are victims of abuse. They will doanything to stay with them. They will let them call them names and do whatever they want do. Majority of the times when the women calls the police the abusers trys to run away, because they know they are going to be put in jail. They the police will put out an report on the criminal so they can have them arrested. If they don't find the criminal he then comes back and attack the woman for calling the police and trying to have him put in jail. When the criminal gets put in jail they don't serve for a long time. So therefore when they get out they goes back t0 their house and explain to the woman that they won't ever put their hands on her again and the woman will believe him and takes him back and he continues to do the say thing he did before he got put in jail. This sums up what i have learned from what I researched so far.

Finding Paragraph #2

I have also learned what is abuse. Abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual. Physical abuse means any form of violence such as hitting, punching, pulling hair, and kicking. Emotional abuse (stuff like teasing, bullying, and humiliating others) can be difficult to recognize because it doesn't leave any visible scars. Threats, intimidation, put downs, and betrayal are all harmful forms of emotional abuse that can really hurt not just during the time it's happening, but long after too. Sexual abuse can happen to anyone, guy or girl. It's never right to be forced into any type sexual experience that you don't want. Signs of an abusive relationship are :
  • harms you physically in any way, including slapping, pushing,grabbing, shaking,smacking, kicking, and punching
  • tries to control different aspects of your life, such as how you dress, who youhang out with, and what you say
  • frequently humiliates you or makes you feel unworthy (for example, if a partner puts you down but tells you that he orshe loves you)
  • threatens to harm you, or self-harm, if you leave the relationship
  • twists the truth to make you feel you are to blame for your partner's actions
  • demands to know where you are at all times
  • constantly becomes jealous or angry when you want to spend time with your friends

Finding Paragraph #1

So far while researching my topic I have answered majority of my questions. Also I can answer these as well. Abuse lower women self-esttem to the lowest it can get . It make them feel ugly about themselves because men say a lot of theing to the women and it makes them really believe them and think that amout themselves. Help that is available for abuse victims are like there is a Lighthouse for anybody who are going through hard times. The Lighthouse is specifically for people who trys to commet suicide. Being abused really makes people want to kill themselves. Simply because they don't want to deal with that type a situation ever again in ther life. The abusers are always put in jail. The reason this being is is so that they won't come back and try and attack anyone else again.

Quote, Paraphrase, -&' Citation #5

"Relationships should be a blessing and not a curse!"

  • This is another one of those quotes that speaks or itself. A relationship should be two people of the oppiste sex that are deeply in love with each other. Not two people who hate each other and just hit one another. They should be filled with love and not hatred towards each other.

Bhatti, Shalu. "Abusive Relationship Statistics." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web., ©2000-2010, 2011. Web. 16 May 2011.

Quote, Paraphrase, -&' Citation #4

"Why is my friend still in an unhealthy relationship? Why don't they leave?" The reality is that there are many barriers to finding safety from an abusive relationship. Leaving can sometimes be dangerous and there are many factors that an abusive partner can use to keep the victim from leaving the relationship. Understanding these issues can better assist someone to help a victim out of an abusive relationship.

  • This quote is describing why is women still in abusive relatioships. To me I think the reason why women are still in abusive relationships is because they are scared to leave. They think that i they leave the man they will ind out where she is and attack her again. For an example, a woman runs away from her husband and she changes her name and everything but ater a while he finds her and abuse her ten times worse than before. So women should immediately get out of and abusive relationship.

"Controlling & Abusive Relationships." Stanford University. Stanord University, copyright © 2006. Web. 16 May 2011. .

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Graph/Chart/Map -&' Citation

  • This graph is showing who has been abused. 65% are either victims or survivors. 15% is family and friends . 4% is in the general public . 3 % is service providers . 2% are batterers .

Quote, Paraphrase, -&' Citation #3

‘I’ statements – when you own your communication, you begin the process of taking back your power and not responding to demands, allegations, insults and threats. Using your ‘I’ statements is as easy as saying ‘I don’t want to get in the car with you when you are yelling at me’ vs. saying ‘you are pissing me off when you yell at me and I can’t take it anymore’. The more use of the word ‘you’ puts someone on the defensive and makes the attacker have to defend his or her actions, escalating the situation. This isn’t about being right or wrong, it’s about taking care of you and learning how to step aside from the verbal assaults.

  • This is talking about how women try stand up to the man for telling the things that they are going to do . Now when women try and say something they will come harder and abuse them worse . That's why it is hard to get out of abusive relationships .

"Emotionally Abusive Relationships - Reclaiming Your Power." Woman's Divorce. Woman', © 2001-2011. Web. 12 May 2011. .

Photo, Caption -&' Citation #3

  • I simply chose this picture or a specifc reason. I chose this because The Lighthouse Care Center of Conway is a place or people to get help . For example , people have been in abusive relationships for a long time and they don't know so they will cut themselves and try to commit suicide . The Lighthouse is a place where they try and help you get out of situations and stop you from doing dangerous things that will harm you and your life .

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Quote, Paraphrase, -&' Citaion #2
"Congratulations! You are free ."

  • This quotes explain itself . The women has finally found the courage to get out of and abusive relationship . They can now live a better and happy life . They can finally live their life without being abusive ever again . I bet now sine the know how it feels like to be in an abusive relationship that if they ever end up in one again they know to get out of it immediately .

"Steps To Recovery For Survivors of Abuse." Steps To Recovery For Survivors of Abuse. Woman's, 2001-2011. Web. 10 May 2011. .

Photo, Caption, -&' Citation #2

  • This picture is showing a man abusing his girlriend. This relates to my topic because im talkign about abusive relationships. I still don't understand why do men abuse women. In my opinion I think it is because it shows that the men has control over women and can treat them any kind of way.

Quote, Paraphrase, -&' Citation #1
"Sticks and stones won’t break my bones – and words won’t leave any measurable physical damage, but they will cause progressive, long-term harm. Never underestimate the power of words: words are used to brainwash.”

  • This quote relates to abusive because men will say anything to make you feel bad about yourself. For example, they will say things like “you’re stupid and lazy “and” you’re nothing but a piece of trash.” By men saying this it makes women believe them and have low self-esteem about them self.

"Emotional Abuse." Woman's Divorce., © 2001-2011. Web. 10 May 2011. .

Friday, May 6, 2011

Photo, Caption, -&' Citation #1
  • This picture is showing a man hitting his girlfriend . This relates to my topic because I am talking about abusive relationships . I think women shouldn't be in relationships like this . They deserve to be treated better than this .

Wordle #1 Based on One Useful Site

Wordle: Abusive Relationships

Preliminary Links -&' Descriptions

  • The website looks very interesting. I say this because it has a lot of information about Abusive Relationships. It also states signs or being in an abusive relationship.

  • This website is saying that being in an abusive relationship can happen to anybody. Also that noticing the warning signs and symptoms is the first steps to ending it. No one should live in fear of the person that the truely love.
This website is very informative.

  • Like how abuse doesn't have to be physical.

  • They are progressive.

  • A specific relationship is not the secure of the abuse.

  • This website is stating that a lot of women dealing with abusive relationships may find themselves feeling all alone and isolated. Continuing abuse can tear down a woman's self worth until it seems impossible to leave or change. Also, there are no easy answers on why they stay in those types of relationships.

  • This website talks about the warning signals. Also learning how to develop a personal safety plan for yourself if you need to leave suddenly and where you can go safely for help. These tips include; how to prepare to set yourself up independently, stay away from your abuser, both temporarily and permanently. There are also safety tips for how to protect yourself better, prior to or during a physical attack of abuse. Also about how a friend can help an abused person.

  • This website is talking about how the sources are not trustworthy, but because most of the people never report their sufferings considering the act to be a private affair. This is one of the main reasons for allowing the situation to get worse day by day! Therefore it is so very important to take corrective action against abuse in the relationship, at the very beginning.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Animoto Based on Search Questions

Create your own video slideshow at

What I Want to Know About My Topic .

I am researching "Why Do Women Stay in Abusive Relationships?" What I want to know is :
  • "What Are the Effects of Abuse on Self-Esteem?"
  • "What Are Some Statistics in Horry County?"
  • "What Help is Available to Abuse Victims?"
  • "How Are Abuse Crimes Punished?"
  • "What Happens When A Women Reports Abuse?"

What I Already Know About My Topic .

I know that 1 in 3 high school students have or been in abusive relationships . 40% of teenage girls from 14-17 say they know someone their age who has been hit or beaten by their boyfriend . 30 to 50% of high school students has report that they been in abusive relationships . 60% of women are still in abusive relationships today . Also, I know a few girls at Loris High that are in abusive relationships . They told me that they tried to get away but they can't because they love him too much . I've gave my advice to every girl that have told me their problems and it to me that it works everytime . Now today that I know of they are not in the same relationship that they were in . Either they are single or they found someone that treats them better . My advice to others is to get out of that relationship as soon as possible . If you let a man hit on you one time it will come become a habit and they won't stop until you do something about it .

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Story Behind My Topic Choice .

I chose this topic because I noticed that a lot of women are in abusive relationships. To me I don't think women should be in relationships like that . Women should be treated better than what they are . This topic isn't just talking about me its talking about others . I have never been in an abusive relationship but growning up as a child my mother has been abused by her husband . By seeing this happen I have learned to never let a man abuse me . This is why I chose to do " why do women stay in abusive relationships" . I've noticed that the reason why womoen stay in these kind of relationships is because they have been with the man for so long and that they will do anything to stay and keep them . The man can go out and cheat on the women and they won't care . Women say they are going to do this and that but they are never brave enough to stick to there word . This is my story behind on why do women stay in abusive relationships .